Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 64, 2 December 1893 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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jln5utan(c iloticc5. HVTSURA]Nr CE FĪRE & MARINE Thk Uni»ersioned is authorized to take Fire and Manne Risks on Buildings, Merchandise* Mulls, Carizoes t Freisrhts and Commissions, at Current Rates in the following Companies, viz: % Royal Insurance Co■ - - Liverpool .■Hlianee Assur(ince Fire <j' J/orine, - Lonāon 117 lln '.nw of Mad£ehitr£ Oen’l. Ins. Co. Sun Iusarnnce Co., - - San Francisco .1. S. WALKEK, Agent for llawaiian Islands Eesidence : Mutual 110. P.O. Box 117. Telephoxes Bell 351 . Matual 117. E. B. THOMAS, ) Contractor d Builder Estiinates Given on A_1I Kinds OF 1)1)1 'li, IIII|V.«i WOOŪĒN BUlLfllNGS All Kinds of Jobbing in the Building Trade, Attended to. KOR SALE: • Cement, Iron Stoue Pipe and Fittings, Oi l ,v Nt-w CorragNted Iron, Minton Tiles, 0 lī* ". assorted $izes tind eo!ors; G<li(ornia and Monterey Saud, (iranite Curbing and Blocks, etc.. etc. King <fl Smith Sts. OFFICE YARD: Office Hours, 8to 12 M. f f 1to4P. M. A VAST PROJECT C0NSTt»T LIHE 0F Opp(fftBiū{i far ALL! 0« ing to our coustant1y increasing bnsiness and the gre <t demajid of au ai*preciating community, we have eono ule 1 t > < t<or »n opoortnnity to all parties having eapiial. 0 r I.INE of SC'HOONERS raay be seeu gliding over the F.\K ti i i f<» tho»r utuiost carn, ing c*pacity with cle«r, e • >1 ;<nd invgoraiing Frr “ urg ! LAOEE, BEER At the ‘'Anclior Saloon.” Ti> ,u‘0»Tmaod.ite onr V.vst Fleet of Schooners, ve have V. i : 1 rg Hefrigvtmtor regardless o£ cosi. . where a Cool G!«ss of Frederieksburg 1 . 1(i * ,-.»n W iuul in Honolulu. Step forvrard geuileiuen, NOW S the Time. oc!4 3a