Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 64, 2 December 1893 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]
IIAWAIIA> Opera House ! SECONO APPEARANCE OF THE HONOLULl Amateur Minstn‘ls SATDBDAY, - • DEC. 2.1893 Box sheet will oj>en on Fri»I«v at 9 a. oj. , »t L. J. Levv’s. POPULAK PRICES Don‘t Forget the Data POUM) MASTtH*S NUT1CE. Nolioe u» hereby given to all pers»m>, »hat there is «t the G»Teniment Ponmi at M*kiki, the foUowing 2 stn»y«l b<iises; I white horse with wni'te spot in the eva, bran<le<l gH, on right hip. 1 white horse, bnind nndescrihitble. Any pereou or pereons ownine th<ee horses, are re.jn.>sted to oome and uke th« same on or before 12 o’eloek noon ol SATCKDAY, December 9. iMI.'l. JAMES KUKOKA. Ponnd Miu.ter. Makiki, N*ov. 2S, isai. N,>. 29- Iw POCXD MASTEKS NOTICE. Xotice is hereby given to all persot>. th .1 thereisat the Goverument Ponn.l ,.t Makiki, a stray horse; 1 red fi!ly bn»n. eJ {\ī) on right hip. Any person or pereons owning thi- h< rse. are reqnested to eome and take the >an;e ob or hefore 12 o'eloek noon of SATrRDAV, December 9, 189.1, JAMES KŪKONA. • Ponnd Masfer Makiki. Nov. 28, 1891 No. 29- Iw Coa.cli. j_.irae to WAIKIKI PARK ;S>aiis £>ouci Diair L cnd piead TIME TABLE. iUST ARRIVE0, wW M , N M s Baby Carriages OF ALL 8TTLE8v dappefe0, IX THE LATEST PATTERNS. “HOUSEHOLD" Sewing Machines Hand Sewtxg Machinem, ty*AU With the Lateet Impp>Tetnent»^|]| PAP.LOK Organs, Guitare. And OtherMnsical Instmments. \Vines, Liquors, Beer ALWAT8 ox hand, and for sAr.r. by ED. 90FFSGHLiEG££ L C0. King SL. oppo. Castie Jt Cooke’«.