Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 64, 2 December 1893 — The “World” and Stevens. [ARTICLE]

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The “World” and Stevens.

The Hawaiian iucident takes on new interest from the puhlieation of the facts in a letter from Secretary Grcsham to the Presider\t to-day. For ex-Miuister Stevens this ofl\cial docaraent will have peculiar and perhaps annoying interest. lt sefems to show beyond question that he deliberatelv deceived his own Governmeut when, he declared that he had recoguized the Hawaiian revoIutionary junta only after it had secured actuai eontrol. lt shows that he in faefc made the revolution possible by lauding raarines and giving it the protection of American gnns iu the very act of overthrowing tlve existing Goverument by proelamalion, unsupported by any force except that whieh he fur nisbed. It is u very interesling st*teiD»-nt, and it couflrms in every particular all that The Wohld said at the time in criticism of this ti!ibustering diploraat and iu advooaoy of delay and full inqu»ry. — X. Y. WaHd.