Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 64, 2 December 1893 — The Minstrels. [ARTICLE]

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The Minstrels.

Don’t forget that to-night the amatenr minstrels will give their second perfonnanee at the Opera House. It is goiug to be one of the best entertainments and everybody fond of laughiug most go. AVhen \-ou hear the P. G. Bend imitated by the minstrels, you will bo tickled to death. Invitations to the wedding of Miss C. E. Vida, and \V. P. Boyd Esq. United States Vice and Deputy Oouneil General to Hawaii, are :ssued. The ceremony will take piaee at the Central Union Church on Dec. 12th. A reception will be he!d at the residence of Mrs. II. Cornwell_ later in the evening.