Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 64, 2 December 1893 — Interesting Facts From the Baltimore Sun. [ARTICLE]

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Interesting Facts From the Baltimore Sun.

Washington, Nor. 14. — Tbe critics of the adrainislrctiou are atill engaged in rolling the Haaiiian matter aa a sweet raor«el under their tongues. They are apparently having it all l«> then>»elvesf for tbe prfseut. and natur»lly enough they are endearoring to m»ke the best of their opportuniiy. In the meanllnre not a sy!!able hae been uttered by either the Pn-sident or any inen»hor of hie cabinet. The Pr«.3ideat ia conlent to iet the stalemenl of the Secretary of State stand alone until such times as he deems it filtiug to 8upplement »t wiih additional reasons for the po!icv he has deemed it best for this countrv to pursue. In due 9e;ison tbeeountry will have the benefit of all the informatiou coliecied hj the administr»tion, and when 5t is all brought to light manv of tfaose who are foIiowing the oeeupalion of deuunciation will l>e apt to hide their diminished heads. Many, however, trne to their inBtincls, will stick to their or : ginal text and brazen it out to the ast. Such a fine opportunity for ihe lovers of gossip aud se.isation does not oflen present itself, and it is really astoniāhing to witness the ingenuity whieh has produced countless co!umns of aIlegat!ons of all scrts in reference to the suhject. This is reudert 1 more «asy from the fact lhat the fabricator9 realize rtiere is no one to contradict their romances. There is a well settled belief that the democratic party in both branches of Congress will sustain fully the action of the President, although doubtless there may be individual denaocrats who, for the sake of notoriety, may fol!ow th« republican example of empty vaporiug. Time will show the attitude of Ihe country at large, and as to thia the President has no misgivings.