Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 64, 2 December 1893 — PORTUGUESE INDEPENDENCE DAY. [ARTICLE]
Yes>ter<lay was the anniversary of the independence of Portogal, and the day was appropriately j celebratod by the Portuguese colony. The two Portnguese Societies enterhiined the members and friends in their respec tive buildings and a very enjoyable time was had. The P<irtugnese Charrje d' arfnirs Mr. de Sonza Canavarro imule an address to h.oth Societies in whieh he told his countrymen that he on beha!f of his governmeut was instructe<l to advise thera seriouslv not to interfere in the political trouble in Hawaii, not to carry arms for either one side or tho tbe other, but keep perfectly neutral and remaiir peaceful and quiet.
The C. A. S S. Ara*ra. frono the Colooies en r«jate to Vaneoover, is due to-<lay; ami the 0. & 0. S. S. Oeeanie, from Yokobania en route * ij San Franc;sco, ;silueon Mooday the 4th. inst.