Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 63, 1 December 1893 — One for Hatch [ARTICLE]

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One for Hatch

lt is a gross misuse of words to spoak of Hawaii as a “republic.” ; A ropnblic is a government of of tbe people, by the people, for the people. The Provisional Government in Hawaii was not elected by the people. It is the creation of a revolution, aiiled and abetted bv the armed force of a foreign power —namely, the I'nitetl States. li bas never submitted it claims to a vote of the people. It is opposed to any sulfrage except a restricted one dictated b\' itself. It is actnally an oligarchy. controlled by and mainly composed of foreign residents of the islauds and representing but a fraction of tho populalion.—-V. V. World,