Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 63, 1 December 1893 — Life Insurance and War. [ARTICLE]
Life Insurance and War.
Some of tbe preserved oitizons desire to kuow if their life insarauee policies will be paid in case tbat tbey sbould deliberately shoulder a gun for AttorueyGeneral Smitb aud go to war against “anybody attacking tbe P. G. - ’ We bave inspected tbe policies issued by difterent insurance companies aud mterviewed several of tbe agents and tbe resnlt is tbat we must answer our correspondent with au eiupbatic, No. All 5nsurance eompanies will refuse to pay a siugle cent to any party msured, who voluntarily iuvites deatb by joiniug an anny and going to war. We are glad tbat tbe question bas been raised as it might tend to make some of tbe and deluded men wbo listen to Smitb go slow. \\ e ure sure tbat it will make sorae of our capit;»lists wbo bold life iusurance policies as security for lo:ins advanced put ou tbeir tbinking caps—and tben do some pretty loud talking. Wivesof preserv 1 citizons wbo do not desire to be left unprovided for ean read tbe above witb some advantage.