Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 63, 1 Kekemapa 1893 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

HA.WA.il HOLO^UA, « LS PUBLISHED Every A.l’temoon ESCKIT SUXDAY BY THE Holomua Publishing Co, At Kinp St. (Thomas hloek ', Honolulo, H I. SUSSCS:?r:o:T. ps: Hona 50 Ct& The paper is deliTered by Carriers in the town anl snb«rbs. sinsle O'pi-- far Sale at the New> De*lers aud at ’he Of£ce of pttblication. ABRAHAM FeRSAHDEZ, - Manager EOUUNO NORRlE, - - Editor N()TICE. All Business Commurications shonld be «<l;iresse<l to Abraham Fernandez, Honolulu, H I. Correspon<lence and Commnnications for poblication should be ad<lressed to the E<Iitor llawaii Holomna. No notice will be paid to auy auonymous commanications. y.u5inf?s (Tards A. P. PETEKSON, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office: 113 Kaahamanu Street, Honolulu Hawaiian Islands. CHAULES C11EIGHTON, ATTOUNEV AT LAW. OfRce: 113 Kaahnmanu Street, Honoluln H ' waiian Is!uu<l.s PAUL NEUMAN, ATTORNEY AT LAW. 314 Merchant Street, Honolulu, Mutual Telephoue 415. CLARENCE IV. ASHFOKD, ATTOKNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. OfE<c. Gld Capitol Building. (Hunolnln Kale), adjoiuing Post Office, Honoluln. J. M DAVIDSON. ATTOBNEY AT LAW, 306 Merehant St., Olliee (Afutual) Tel. 1S0. Resideace 67. A. ROSA, ATTOBNEY AT LAW, No. 15 Kaahumanu St., Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands. S. K. KANE, ,ATTORNEY AT LAW. Olhee: Corner King and Bethel streets, np-stairs. JOHN LOTA KAULUKOU, ATTOENEV AT LAW, OfSce, corner Kin<x »t Ileihel Sts. F. H. REDWARD, CONTRACTOR avd BUILDER. No. 506 Kin*; Street. Honoluln, Hawaiian Islands. LEWIS J. LEVEY. Hc:\l Esrate and Oeneml Anetioneer. Corner Fort and Quccn Strects, Honoinln Personal attention g<ven to Sales of Fnrnilure, Real Estate. Stock aud General Merchandise. Mntnal Tclephone 23S.