Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 63, 1 December 1893 — The Cricket Match. [ARTICLE]
The Cricket Match.
Tbe iuateb betweou tbe Honolulu anil tbe Ohampiou teams resulted in a tlecidevl rictory for tbe Ohampiona. Tbe HonoluIas were uot strong euougb for tbe naral team whieh espeoially excellevl iu tbeir bowling aml wicket-keepiug. Tbe score was 7t> to 46. Tbe Honolulus boj>e to do mueh better at the return uiatcb whieh is expected to eome oti* in a near future, but ihey will bave to do some serious practising if they expeot to get even witb tbe merry sailors.