Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 62, 30 November 1893 — CORRESPONDENCE. [ARTICLE]

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[\Vedo not hold oarst>ves responsible for the opinion# or the nttenuicee of our correspondents.] Eoitou Holomua: The Chief Jastice, on the stump the other uight refenred with a gro: t deal of pride to his “good olJ English paternal ancestry.” He diil uot thongh inforra the mob whieh was assembled tliere as to the race-ing color of tho halanee of iho blood in his veins. Can you, Mr. Editor, furnish ine with any information on this interesting subject? (Okole-Kala.) 'We cau't, you know, not being in the “bloody” line. Ask the the Star man.