Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 62, 30 November 1893 — The Threats against the Queen. [ARTICLE]

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The Threats against the Queen.

We have had numerous occasions to refer to the eraptv threats whieh seuselessand irresponsibla men have nttered agaiust Her Majesty’s life. We have paid little atteution to thera ou account of the sources from whieh such threats heretofore have emanated. W e have even been inciined to ridicule the threats of ladies, like thoso ]>ublished iu the San Francisco Examiner as being uttered by Mrs. Soper and Mrs. Alexander Young. beeause we eoukl not believe that these ladies—both members of our churches, really knew what they were gossiping about—but when we find that men 5n prominent possitiou, mon who have a certain standing in this communitv, meu who by instinct at least (we canuot accnse them of education) onght to know better, yes, even who are honored by the most honored Sovereigns iu Europe by beiug entrusted with tbe responsibility of the ConsuIar duties, repeating those threatsand endorsing them. and using them, it becomes onr imperative duty tn sound a warnnote to those delnded men. If o a hair is injured on Her Majesty’s head by the mob whieh perhaps ean be hired here by the men who possess the evil nature of an assassin, and the sufficient eoin to pay such j hireliug, the punishment and the curse for snch a dastardly act will fall not alone on the head of the tool, but on the head of the cowardly principal who stands responsible for the act — 1 and let ns add for the benelit of the eonsuls—who have taken part J in tbis business. aud—although ptivatelv—exercised their ton"nes in this line, that neither the fla"s whieh thev dishonor. nor their wealth (solid or otherwise) will protect them from the f»te of anv assassin—death. Ihe sovereigns repre>ente 1 temporarilv, bv these loose-moutbed coramercial hombng> shall be iuformed of the language used — it is for them to do as they ?ee fit as far as Hawaii isconeerned, at pr-.sent there are snfficieut vard arms to accomodate any assassin —be he a consul or not.