Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 62, 30 Nowemapa 1893 — LOCAL NEWS. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


The Councils Jiru in sesdion this afternoon. Thanksgiviiig gervices were held in St. Andre«a Cathedral this morning. The yacht ToIna took her depar ture t >r lahili via Hilo, yesterdav afternocn. 1 he Atnateur Mmstrels appear before the puhlie again on Saturday evening. We besp«ak them a full houae. H >iv some members of .he P. (1and their eupporters, could eonscieiitiously plaee themselves vrith tbeir hlaek hrart.*, “in the presence o! Clod” tlns forenoon and sing his p»raises, is beyond eomprehension. Their blasphemy will retaliate on them some of these days. The §tar publislu-s another fyin< 7 fale pur[>orting t>» be “royalists” sUitements. in last evenings issue. That l 'gfntUnxan who'dots Viurh eharitabl« icork pre*umably ici(h a pilchfork atnou<) thr nniiee*'" must have misinfornied Star Smith. Invitatio;.s t-> the wedding eeremony,of Miss Afong and Oommand».r \V. H. \Vh'tipg U. S. X. were issued to-day. The ceremony is to be at the Central Union Church. A reception will be held at the residence of the bride’s mother, l«t#r in the eveniug. The amasements of the day, are. a game of Crieket on the old base-ball groonds. betwoeu tLe offieers of H. M. S. Ohampion, and the Honolulu Cricket club. And a maieh game of foot-ball, betwoen the Punahous and the Pacifics, ou tbe new base-ball gronnds. 1