Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 62, 30 November 1893 — LOCAL NEWS. [ARTICLE]
The Councils Jiru in sesdion this afternoon. Thanksgiviiig gervices were held in St. Andre«a Cathedral this morning. The yacht ToIna took her depar ture t >r lahili via Hilo, yesterdav afternocn. 1 he Atnateur Mmstrels appear before the puhlie again on Saturday evening. We besp«ak them a full houae. H >iv some members of .he P. (1and their eupporters, could eonscieiitiously plaee themselves vrith tbeir hlaek hrart.*, “in the presence o! Clod” tlns forenoon and sing his p»raises, is beyond eomprehension. Their blasphemy will retaliate on them some of these days. The §tar publislu-s another fyin< 7 fale pur[>orting t>» be “royalists” sUitements. in last evenings issue. That l 'gfntUnxan who'dots Viurh eharitabl« icork pre*umably ici(h a pilchfork atnou<) thr nniiee*'" must have misinfornied Star Smith. Invitatio;.s t-> the wedding eeremony,of Miss Afong and Oommand».r \V. H. \Vh'tipg U. S. X. were issued to-day. The ceremony is to be at the Central Union Church. A reception will be held at the residence of the bride’s mother, l«t#r in the eveniug. The amasements of the day, are. a game of Crieket on the old base-ball groonds. betwoeu tLe offieers of H. M. S. Ohampion, and the Honolulu Cricket club. And a maieh game of foot-ball, betwoen the Punahous and the Pacifics, ou tbe new base-ball gronnds. 1