Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 61, 29 Nowemapa 1893 — Conspicuously Unpleasants [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Conspicuously Unpleasants

The 1‘. G. pro\vlers are evidently also bired to listen to people's conversation, and to report tlie siuuo to headquarters. Last ni.uht, ono of tho gung had the impiulenee to st ip a fe\v paces from a party of four who who were engaged in social eonversation. to iisten to what was being s.iid. The topic w«s iiuinediately changed to that of couspiracy, and a plan of attack on this goverument was argued, but \vas uot decided on, for fear of the * spy catching on. The fonr partod company to meet agaiu at two a. m. Wonder if the “spy” tarned up? And what report ho made this morniug?