Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 61, 29 Nowemapa 1893 — Untitled [ARTICLE]
Tbe f »llruving persons left th«‘ city yeaterday, by the loeal stea mera. For Maui—.Ino \Vinter and vvife, II Liws und wife, \V H Cornwell, H Kolomoku. C Tuch. J L Dumas, and Mrs \Vard. For Kauai—Mrs J II Elnekie and child. A Drier, Mr ZoeIler, Mr Knudsep, \V \ViIIgercth. 1’ Mc Donuld, H \V Schmidt, Wm S:hmidt, Miss Maria Makanani, General C’,inIiffo, Rev H Isenberg and wife. Miss Lar.e, J Lane, L Lane, and Mr Boiselier.