Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 61, 29 Nowemapa 1893 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
HA.WA.H H0L0fWA, 18 PrBLISITED Eve ry jAft e moon EXCEPT SCXDAY BY THE Holomua Publishing Co. At Kinp St. (Tbomas block), Honolala, H. I. SUBSCSIP7:o:T, per Monlh, 50 Cts. The p«per is deliTered br Carriers in the town and snburbs. Sinyle Copies fjr Sale at the New» Dealers ami at the Office of publication. ABRAHAM FERNANDEZ t - Manager EOMUNO NORR!E, - - Edltor XOTICE. All Bnsiness Commui'ii'ations shon!d be adilresse>l to Ahmham Femandez, Honoluln, H. I. Corres|K>ndence and Commnnications for pnblicatiou shonld be addressed to the E<iitor Ilawaii Holomna. No uoiiee will be paid to auy anonymons commnuications. 3usinfssi c f artls A. P. PETERSON, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office; 113 Kaahnmann Street, Honolnln Hawaiian Islands. CHARLES CREIGHTON, attorney at law. Office: 113 Kaahnmann Street, Honolnln Hawaiian Islands. PAUL NEUMAN, ATTORNEY AT LAW. 314 Merchant Street, Honolulu, Mutual Telephone 415. CLARENCE IV. ASHFORD, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. Office. Cld Capitol Bnilding, (Honolnln Hale), adjoining Post Offiee, Honolnln. i J. M. DAVIDSON. ATTORNEY AT LAW, 300> Mercbant St., Ollioe (Mutual) Tel. 180. Besidence 67, A. ROSA, ATTORNEY AT LAW, No. 15 Kaahmnanu St., Honolulu, Hawaiiau Islands. S. K. KA-NE, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Oflice: Corner King and Bethel streets, up-stairs. JOHN LOTA KAULUKOU, ATTORNEV AT LAW, Offico, oorner Kini;. & Bethel Sts, F. H. REDWARD, OONTRACTOR axp Bl'ILDER. No. 506 King Street, Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands. LEWIS J. LEVEY, Real Estate and. General Anetioneer. Corner Fort and Qnecn Streets, Honolnln Personal attenti«n given to Sales of Fnrniture, Real Estate, Stock and General Merchandise. Mnlnal l'elephone 23S.