Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 61, 29 Nowemapa 1893 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]
Jnsuranrc R()YA1 INSURANCE CG OF LIVEH POOL. The Largest in the World. ASSETS, JAN. I, 1892, - $42,432,174.00 Fire Risks on all kinds of Insuranoe Property taken at Corrent Kates by .1. S. WALKEH, Agent tor Hawaiian Islands. Fire, Life & Marine *UNSURANCE*~ Nartford Fire Insnrance Co., Assets, $7.109.8*25.49 London & Lancashii’e Fire Ins. Co.. Assets, $4.317,052.00 Thames & Mersey Marine Ins. Co.. Assets, $6,124,057.00 New York Life Ins. Co., Assets. $137,499,198.99 C. O. HERGER, General Agent for Hawaiian Islands, Honolulu, H. I. !=j, E. Mc1njyf(e 8( Bf^o. IMPORTERS AKD DEALERS IX Groceries, Provisions & Feed EAST C0RNER F0RT & KING STS. NEW GOODS RECEIVED Bv everv Packet from the ĒasternStates and Europe. ‘ Fresh California Prodnce bv every steamer. All Orders faithfully attemL<l to. aiul Goods delivered to any part of the (. itv —k ree of C hi*rge. īsland Orders solicited. Satisfaction guaranteetl. Post Office Box No. 145. Telephonf. No. 92. 6RAND OPENING OF THE 2sew Furnitnre Store ! Robinson Block. Hotei St, oppo. Bethel St. FURNITURE, UPHŪLSTERY 4 CABINET MAKING ON HANP A>' F.XTENSIVE ASSORTMEXT OF Wicker AV are, Antiaue Onk Bedroom Suits, Chilfoniers, Sideboards, etc. Wardrobes, Nlattras8es, Pillows, Etc., MADE TO ORDER. No Second Hand or Damaged 6oods Kept on Hand. ORD WAY & PORTER, Robinson BU>ck, Hotel St., oppo. Bethel St