Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 61, 29 Nowemapa 1893 — CORRESPONDENCE. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


[\\e do uot boldoarsc<T>$ nxpousible for tbe opiaions or tbe nt:eracces of our comespoadeats.] Editob Holokua: Minister Thurston’s advice as published is too funny, “not to oppose the !anding of American troops on!y. as a woman wouhl. by a warning and then retire with ail the stolen munitions of war to a Safe plaee, and when the Qneen is restored aiul the troops rotire then to immediately take charge of the government in an unconditioual manner.’’ Great Scott' why he inust be a royalist; that is the programme tbat only a royalist eoukl rellsb. Let the Queen be reinst»teil aiul the government as it was. and those brave annexation troops ouly uttempt to seize the governmeut when so left, and we will give such au account of them that there will be no troublo hereafter, but Thurston, Emerson and the rest of that ilk wouhl be where the one inscription Re<juiescat in paee wouhi answer for the whole tribe of scandalmongers. Royaust.