Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 61, 29 November 1893 — St. Andrews Cathedral. [ARTICLE]
St. Andrews Cathedral.
The servico at this Cathedral to-morrow will eommenee at 10 am. Kev. Alexauder Mackintosh will conduct the service. The followinp music will be rendered by the choir. Te Denm, in F Kotzschmar Jubiliite, in D Snllivon Amhem—“Ye shall dwell in the lan i" Stainer Hymn.... “We plow the fields and scatter'' Organ Postlude — “ Thanksgiviug March’’ Calkin President Dole addressed the pupils of Punahou CoIlege at the Preparatory School this morniug iu the prescence of the trustees and ofiicers of the school. The subject of the address was the hfe of General Armstrocg. S> the Commiit*e of Ssfetv, wish Mr. F. W. \Vundetiberg *‘instmtly diami8seu‘ — if not sooner—from th>- puhiie service. We take Ihe Iiberty of s:tggesting. that the names of S. M. Damon, J. H.Soper, W. O. Smith, and H. Waterhouse a!so .be inserted in tbe petition. H;»ve not they showed just as mueh “disioyalty to the Government” as Wundenbtrg? Mr. Blouut‘s report proves it to bes-i. Tho Evaminer. say«. that dunng an interview. Mrs. ,1. H. Soper said: ' I ean say one thing. and that is tbat Liliuokaiam wouid never live to take her seat on the throne if a hint was given tb it she was to be restored to power.” ‘ Oh. she might be Queen for twenty niinutes or so, soggested Mrs. A. Young, who was traveling with Mrs. Soper. Tbey are “ehnaiiana."