Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 60, 27 Nowemapa 1893 — NOTICE. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


The Pr«sident of tbe Hni Ai.h» Ain» a na Wahine Haw«ii. begs to noUfr »11 th« Laditr» of ihe Asīi)ci»!:uii tiut next Tu«*dar, St»*ra‘jtr 2h;h, Ui— thc F;.*tteth A--.-rersarr of Hawaii’* In U-pemienee, it is pn:per aaJ neeessarr that tbe day shoaW be *olri3n!Zed in jrsjer. Thereforv, »11 the Liui:e» of the Hai Aioha Ain» »re inrited to &ttesd their re*pectire charch §erri<« on th*: t 'iay »ad m»ke a «peei»! offenng of hearty pr»yers to the Gre*t Aimightr. 10 tnat He m»y poar down His Messing on a«, oa oar N»tion, »nd lo bring n» peaoe at<J happinee». i KiH.iKrwtuoio Cuks, Act. Secnrt*jT.