Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 60, 27 Nowemapa 1893 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
HOLOMU^, IS PUBLISH£D Every Aftemoon EXCEPT SCXDAY BT THE Holomua Publishing Co. At Kinp 8t. (Tbomas block), Honolula, H. I. SUBSCEIPTION, per 50 0«. The p»;er is delirered by Carriers in the town and «ubnrb5. SinRle Copie« fjr S»le at the News Dealirs aad at the <.)ffice of pab!ication. ABRAHAU FēRHAHDEZ, - Manager EDMUND NORR!E. - • Edltor XOTICE. All Bnsiness CommurieAtions shonl(i i)6 jMi(irosse<i to Ahmhnm Fem*miez, ilonolulu, H. I. Convspoiuience And Comiuunications for pnblication sboul«i be addressed to the t>litor Hawuii Holomua. No notice will be paid to any anonymous commnnications. ?!u5inf5$ (Cards A. T. PETERSON, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Offiee: 11.1 Kaahnmanu Street, Honolulu Hawaiian Islands. CHAKLES CREIGHTON, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office: 11.1 Kaahumnnu Street, Honolalu Islands. PAUL NEUMAN, ATTORNEY AT LAW. 314 Merchant Street. Honolulu, Mutual Telephoue 415. CLARENCE IV. ASHUORD, ATTORNEY AND COrNSELUlR AT LAW. Office. 01d Capitol Building. (Honolulu Uide), adjoining Post Office, Honolulu. J. M. DAVIDSON, ATTORNEY AT LAW, 306 Merchant St.. Olliee (Muhial) Tel. 180, Resideace 67. A. ROSA, ATTORNEY AT LAW, No. 15 Kanhumann St.. Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands. S. K. KA-NE, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Oftice; Corner Kinj; and Bethel streots. np-stairs. JOHN LOTA KAULUKOU, ATTORNEV AT LAW, Office, corner King A* Bethel Sts. F. H. REDWARD. CONTRACTOR axp BCELDER, No. 506 King Streot. Houolulu, Hawaiian Islands. LEM'IS J. LEVEY, Real Estate and General Auctioneer. Cort»«r Fort and Qneca StreeU, Honolnlu Personal atteution given to Sales of Farniture, Real Estate, Stock and General Men*handise. MiUuaI Td«pbone *23S.