Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 60, 27 Nowemapa 1893 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

3lnsurancf ROYALINSURANCE C0. OF LlVEHPOOL. The Largest in the World. ASSETS, JAN. I, 1892, - $42,432,174.00 Fire Risks on all kimls of Insuranee Property taken at Curreut Rates by .1. !«. WALKEH. A*rent lor Hawaiian Islands. Fire, Lifc & Marine Nartford Fire Insnrance Co.. Assets, $7,109,825.49 London & Lancashire Fire Ins. Co., Assets, $4,317,052.00 Th.am.es & Mersey Marine Ins. Co.. Assets, $6,124,057.00 New York Life Ins. Co.. Assets, $137,499,198.99 C. <>. BERGER. General Agent for Hawaiian Islands, Honolulu, H. I. I-|E. B^o. IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN Groceries, Provisions & Feed EAST CORNER FORT Ā KINO STS. NEW GOODS RECEIVED Bv everv Packet from the EiisternStates and Europe. Fresh California Prodnce by every steamer. All OrJers faithfullv atteuJ-J to, anJ GooJs Jehvered toanvpart.ftheCitv-FreeofCh.irge. lslanJ OrJers soIicited. Satisfaction guaranteed. Post Office Box No. 145. T elephone No. .h.. 6RAND OPENIN6 OF THE Funiiture Store ! Robinson Block. Hotel St., oppo. Bethel St. FURNITURE, UPHOLSTERY & CABINET MflKING ON HAND an extknsi\ e assortment of AVicker AVare, Antiauie Onk Bedroom Snits, Chiffoniers, Sideboards, etc. Wardrobes, Mattrasses, Pillows, Etc., MADE TO ORDER. No Seccnd Hand or Damaged Goods Kept on Hand. ORDWAY & PORTER, i Robiason Bh ck, Hotel St., oppo. Bethel St