Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 60, 27 Nowemapa 1893 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

JVdrrrti5fmrnts ; Criterion Saioon PFR AUSTRALIA, another Invoice ofJthe celebrated JOHN WEILANO EXTRft PALE LAGER BEER. Also. a Fuesh Ixvoice of California Oysters FOU 0YSTER COCKTfllLS L. H. DEE, Proprietor. ESTABL1SHED A. D. 1863. Pioneer Steam Candy Factory! BAKERY axd ICE pjp$ F. HORN, Puopuieīou. PRACTICAL CoDlcctiobcr & Oroamenter In all brau<-hes of the bnsiness on these islands. AMERICAN, FRENCH, ENGLISH axd GERMAN PASTR1ES MADE TO ORDER. lVeddiii§ \ Birth-dafl Mnde of the verv best material, unsnrpassed in richness of qnalitv and ornamente<l in nu.ipproachable style. at lower prices than any other estabhshment in Honolulu. fHmily \ Fancy Bi*ead, Guava Jelly, Presened Tamarinds and Tamannd Svrnp. flLLCONFECTIONERY Manufactnred at my Establishment are Guaranteed tn be Positively Pcp.e aiul sold at prices no other establishment eau compete with. FACTORY & STORE, * No. 71 Hotel Street, Between Nnuanu and Fort Streets BOTH TELEPHOXFS No. T4. WING WO TAI & Co.. Xo. 214 Xuu<ina Strctrt, C0MM1SSI0N MERCHANTS, Importers and Dealers in GES'L MERCHA XD1S£. Fine Manila Cipars. Chiuese and JapaneseCrock’nware,Mattings, Vases of all kinds. Camphorwood Trunks. Rattan Chairs. a Fine Assortuent of Drest Silks, Best Brands of Chinese ai»vi Japanese Teas of Latest Importations. Inspection of New Goods Respectfullv Solicited. ' Mutual Tel. 266, P. O. Box 1-58.