Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 60, 27 November 1893 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]
Pound Master’s Kotice. There r.re at the Government Pouu.I at Makiki, the following 2 str*yed horses: A fiue Cal. bav h<irse with a white -pot on back ami forehea«i, and nght hind Jts. All feet shod. And a 6ne Cal. hlaek borw with a white spot on haek and furehead, brand in lescrihable. AU feet sho<i. The S)itu» wiil !»• so!d at anehon on SATOR !>AY December 9th, 1683, at 12 o’eloek noon. JAME8 KUKONA, N ■ J7--lw 1 OCa.C3C- T ,irwa tO WAIKIKI PARK ' Sass Souci TDiantond J^ead TIME TABLE. Fares to Rifle 5 cta; Waikiki, 10 ets; Sana Socd and Diam >nd Hr*d, 15 cta; Roand trip, 2» ct>; ChiJdren uader 12 vtars, half pnee. no27 tf