Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 60, 27 November 1893 — LOCAL NEWS. [ARTICLE]
I’m t .e Marsh3r« pet. Tbe Ciub ?cene was exceilent. Band concert at E:ama Saaare i th;s evenins. 1 As we go pn-ss. the P. M. S. S. C. iua is rep rte'i. Dedication s-rvi.e? ut tiie uew Masomc Temp!e. this evening. In nare.l circ!es it is exj>ected that the U S S M hiean and Ran-g*-r are on the r way to H »do1u!u. “Libertj*” or ‘ Death,’ 7 bnt libertv is preferred; we don’t doubt that you do. The steatners Mi<ahala, Iwaiani aud C!audine are up to leave for their ports to-nn»rrow. The Hu? nieand» red its way to the cemetery enapty, while the tram Cars did a rushing business. Mr. l)oyle entertained the min strel-c >mpany at his house last Saturday night ”after the show was over.” . The usual reception was held on board the U. S. F. S. Pbilade!phia last Saturday and was largely attended. How is that arsenal ou the side of Punchbowi getting on? Are the gatling guns hidden there, in order? The Holomua received a visit from Mr. Irvine a representative of the 8. F. Examiner, this morning. An “ alien’ of s:x months residence, had the gall to get up and address the 700 persons the other evening. What eheek! Wonder how the P. G’s and anneiationists who were at the minstre! show last Satnrday evening, enjoyed ihe “gags.” They were good. P. C. Jones ean rest assured that “God Almighty” is not with them. Current events show ve*y plainlv that he is on the side of the u LoyaUsta. n . The Tiser s editor writes this morning as if he was not verv well, or was cross abont something. A\ hat's the matter old man? “How do you feeD” askcd the couversationalist at tbe Miu?trel Show ou Satarday of the endman. "I feel like Dootor llodgers, iu his new uniform.” “Why?” “Jjecan.se I ara oll out of shape. ” It is rtp>rted. that a eommu niealion was sent to Minister I Willis by the Provisif>nal Government ou Saturday a(tern>»n. What was the nature of it! The Loyal subjects of Ha waii i are perfect!y wiliing “'to be ruled forevek by a woman like Liliuokalani. The Tiser s sarcasm is rather out of plaee, and soands verv mneh like au “angry man’s’’ parting word, 1 ° 1 ■■■■ — /■ here did tbat amunition go to last 8aturd iy n:ght whieh was earted'out of the PaLaee nnder the of one of the militarv commanders' 1 Are thev now hiding the rifles for future use? Kest easy, they will be found.