Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 60, 27 Nowemapa 1893 — THE MINSTRELS. [ARTICLE]
i The Best Show Ever Seer Here Th<* PUt for a Cr«wded Hoos<* ind Make a Bie Hit. I The show presentetl bv a eom- | pany of loea! amateurs last j Saturday at the 0{>era House, | fully eame up to the bigh expec- . tations with whieh it has been looked for vard to. The Opera House was crowded from the gallery to the pit, and the audienee enjoyed theraselves thorougbly. Tbe programme was as follows: Coxvebsation.ujst: A E Marphv. Bo\es; TakB0S: W H Cb»rIock. W B Ash. Geo llitraan. C A Doyle. PART I. 1. “Askof tho Man in the Moon” —Mr Geo Kitman, 2. “Sweet Nellie Bawu”—Mr C H Good. 3. ‘ The Cat Carae BackMr W B Ash. 4. ‘ Molly and I and tue B.iby” —Mr Cuelho. 0. “Hear Dera Bells ’—W H Cliarlock. G. “Hearts”—Mr A\ Hoogs. 7. ‘Thero are Momeuts Wheu One Wauts to be Alone”— Mr C A Doyle. 8. Eiuale—“Traraway vs. Bus.” 1STERMISSI0X. Selection —Orehestra under Prof. Berger. PART II. 1. Musical Sketch—Messrs W B Ash and U J Ordway. 2. The Only Ritman and His Banjo. 3. After Pieee: “Past and Preseut in Honolulu”—The Full Compan\*. Everv number was excellent, and all the boys covered themselves with g!ory. The afterpiece was extreraelv amusing and brought the liouse dow n. There were mauy excellent loeal hits and somo very good taking ofF of sorao of our As there are hopes that tbe performance will be repeated shortly, we shall simplv snggest to all our readers to make sure to be there aud see for themselves. The Holomia will not be i-suod to-morro\v it beiug Hawaiiau iiulepeuaonee day, tbe day that ought to be respected by all loyal Hawaiians. The Japanese man-of-war whieh left Yokohuma on ihe ltkh inst. may be Iooict'd f«>r to day or to-mor-row. It » expected ti.at it is the Naniwa, ti,e liue vi-ssel whieh '\as here iu the beginning <J the year. — If you ar<* a Portuguese. go to the Metropoi:tan Meat Market.and say “Company C : , you will then get ten pounds of fresh meat. Some of the stockholders. wouid like to knuw who pays f*r it. Such is the report. Everybody thonght th at it was Blightcomroissioner Marsden who appeared on the stage last Saturday at the show. Ho was seen to leave bis seat in the aadience jnst before the afterpiece started and when soraething looking verv mueh like him wa» seen on the stage, he was greeted with great ontbursts of raerriment and thasiasm. . ( \