Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 59, 25 Nowemapa 1893 — Henry N. Castle, Opens His Mouth and Drops Lies. [ARTICLE]
Henry N. Castle, Opens His Mouth and Drops Lies.
NewYork, Nov. lt). —In a letter to tlie Tribnne cliscnssing Hawaiian aftairs Henrv N. Castle. a native of the islamls, says: “The proposition of the Cleveland administration to restore the ex-Qnecn by force is verv startfing to Hawaiians who know the facts of the last ten years. hat startles thera raore than anything else, howevcr, is tho queer storv whieh Gresham has solemnly publishecl as an accnrato fiuding of the facts of the late revolntiou. Everv eve-witness’ of the «■ • ; real event will belicve that j ; Greshara has been saclly leel , | astray. Either there were a I , sreat raanv facts whieh Blount i o - ; forgot to put in his report or I there are a great raany things in that report whieh Gresham overlookeel. I caunot leave this snbject without expressing ray reprobation of the atterapt now ; making to impeaeh tbe credit of the eleael eapiain of the Boston aml of ex-Minister Stevens. Stevens was a man who unclerstood the true nature of the forces whieh were eontending for supremacy in Hawaii, and the diploraatrc course whieh he pnrsned was iu harmony with the principles whieh have been laiel elown bv Araerican statesj men in regard to Hawaii for forty years. Hud the Cleveland admīnistration brought bnt half as uiueh knowledge anel intelligence to bear upou the situation thoy would not now be attempīing to plani a heathen raonarchy upon the ruins of a flourishing Araeriean civilization.'*