Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 59, 25 November 1893 — MR. DOLE'S FRIEND THE RUSSIAN. [ARTICLE]
Cannibalism in Saghalien. The last nnmber of the a uewsnaj>er pal>lished iu Eastern Siberia, reveals a terrible state uf artairs amon<i the convicts on the Island of Saghalien. It wouhl appear that the convicts there have heen treated by some of the snbon!inate prison anthorities so harshly that the Governor of the island has been oblig«-d to interfere for their protection. A nnraed Kbanntf and s >me of his assistants, who at one time were convicts themselves, and had been raised to the rank of jailors. have been removed from tbeir posts. KhanotTs treatment of his prisoners was so abominable that a nmnber of them crippled them-
selves of set pnrpose. cutting ofl flmier> and toe> in order to be : treated as invaiid and to be freed from his terrible cruelties. Uthers fle».l to the impenetniblc forest. where they sutfered all the I h rrors of hnnger. lu a - itchel b longiug to a fugitive convict w’io had been hunted down. were ■ f >nnd some piecesof iiuman flesti. Investigation revealed that thi> m m bad been one of a partv of four, and that only one of them j now remained. The othors had been kiiled aiul dcvoured bv their e :nrades. Similar cases of eannibalism are, according to tho Siberian jonrnal, not infreqnent. 1 —