Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 59, 25 November 1893 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]
NOTICE. The umlersigne»I has receive»l from the Eastern State>, The Largest Single Order of Billiard Material ever importeil to the Islands. It conc!udes as folIows: Cloth, 3 grades; Cues. asssorted; Coshions. [bv I»lock, patent]: Biliiard Balls, Composition and lvoiy; Pool, “ “ “ Tips. Chalk; Pocket C«stings with leathers, and fringe complete; Pocket nettings, fringe and leathers; Rubber covers; . Conrt Plaster, green and. black; New stvle ehalk holders; Triangles; Shake balls and leather bottles; Pool pins; Markers, etc., ete. The above gonds have been purchased at reduced rates. and the undersigned is now prepared to do anv and all kinds of BTLLIARD TABLE WORK at reasonab!e rates with dispatch. Also new*and second hand Billiard and Pool Tables for Sale. Please apply to J. P. EOWEN, Perrv Block, Hotel St. Houolulu A ¥AST PROJE0T CŪNSTANT LINE 0F SCH00»ERS-Amjle OprMty f«r ALL! Owing to onr constantly increasing business and the great deraand of au appreciating community, we Lave eoncluded to otīer an opportunity to all parties having eapiial. Our LINE of SCHOONERS raay be seen gliding over the BAB filled to their utmost carrv-ing capacity with clear, eool and invigorating Fred lx'port urg i LAGĒR BEER Atthe “Anchor Saloon/’ To nccommodate onr Vast Fleet of Schooners, we have built a fine large Refrigarator regardless of cost. Is tbe only plaee where a Cool Glass of Fredericksburg Beer on draugbt ean be bad in Honolulu. Step forward geutlcmen, NOWS the Tirae, ocl4 3m
NAN-YU-SHOSHfl. JUST RECEIVED from JAPAN Several Kiml'of Cotton Crape, Latest Style of Shlrts in «lifferent qnalities. A$ortni8nt of poi^eelain Tea Sets a Specialty •Tapauese Lanterns and many Cnrios suitable for Gbristmss Goods. 411 KING STKEET, Honoluln. T«lfphon6S M 4.4. P.O. Boi av>. Mulnal 544. no!3 Im C. T. AKAXA MERCHflNT TfllL0R, .T24 Nnnann Street AlII Suits Guaranteed To Pii and in tbe Latest Style. Clothes Cleaned and Repaired. no!7
W. S. LUCE AVine and Spirit Merchant Oamphell Fire-]imof Block, MERCHANT ST. HONOLULU Em'opean No. 509 Hotel Street. Stei»b, H»mi Eggs for 25 cte. Boarding $4:50 per week, or 21 Me»l T cketa for $4:50. Fowl tbree tīmes a week, cooking on f:rst c'ass stvle. Meals at all honrs. CHOCK SING, Proprietor. 1 oct26 Im