Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 59, 25 November 1893 — LOCAL NEWS. [ARTICLE]

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This the eenson for mosquitos. Baml ooncert at £mma Sqaare this aftornoon. Aolo hana a Kauhikoa ua kau ko poo i ka uluna. The Star calls Mr. Blount a “liar.” l*erfectly natural that it shoukl. It is roportotl. that a French sliij> of \var may arrive at this j>ort uoxt week. It is rejx>rted this moraing, that Kditor Smith will endeavor toleave the country by the hrsl opportuoity. A Jaj>anese \var shij' probably ; the Naniwa ieft Jaj>an on the lt»th, inst. for Honolulu, anJ is exj»ected to arrive ou Tuesday. Tho llritish g n boat Nymphe, j is exj>ected to touch herc, en j route to the South. from San Kmneieeo. whieh j»ort she left on tbe lt>tb. inst. Crazy “Jih" advises the bovs to j &tand by their guns. We suggest | that Joe be detailed as a guard on ! tl.e water fr\'nt to prevent the land* ing of the nav.l f »rces, The Holomia reoeived a eall frotn Mr. Josej»b Altsheler a represoutative of The New York World this moruiug. A few miuutos pleasaut conversanl was had with ihe geutlemau.

It is noticeab!e, tbat for poluieal rea3ons neither the T:ser nor the Sl r (>ubl'sb«d >ecretarj <iresham'g Ietter m full. 1 ;iere were no doabt several ferv di-jgreeably lrue facts — whieh hit home to the present reToIctioDistS —contamed in that letter. They do not iike it. The Captain, Commanding H, B M. >. ehampion, received iustractions by yesterdiy’s mail to remain at this port until furthcr orders. lt is possiple that this vessēl may be placed at the disposal of Hear Admira! Irwin, shou;d necessitv require it. When the ex-hoary headed editor of the Advertiser published the San Franci*co Call item about tbe Qneeu throwing live ]»igs into the crater of Kilauea, he kuew that he was aiding and abetting in the circnlation of a Jeliberate and malicious uutruth. But what ean you expect from such a “Good Cbristian! It is reported that the P. governraent sent a request to tlie Hawaiian National B:iuJ, not to give their intended cmcert at tho Hotel Iast evening, owiug to the excited state of the people. Yet, this sarae fair minded Governmeut, is allowing an indiguation meeting to be held under its verv O * noses and guns, this evening.