Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 59, 25 Nowemapa 1893 — HE WOULDN'TWOULD HE. [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


OUR ABSURD RUMOR. Not en iiL'h D ill- ck t*;uu> :■ mako hiiu n >ign. W. O. i> there Ah thert! >t iv here!!

The pleasaut looking agent for tho estate of Lnualilo changes his countenance occasionally. aud ap]>ears as the helow pietnved Hazoo Basoon.

The Minstrels. To nigbt the sbo\v of tbe Minstrels start at 8:30 p. iu. Tbe reason for tbe !ate bour is tbat tbe amatenrs Jon't desiro to interfere witb tbe men who are baving a circus at tbe drill-shed. Come along all boys and girls wbo enjoy a good mgbt’s joy, and crowd the house of onr amateur boys. It has been told that the mīnstrels were going to givoaone sid**d <bow. they are not. And even one living here ean rest assnred tbat feelings will not be hart, uo hearte injnred by the present publication of sonnd and indisputible facLs. A Maxim. To tbe victors belong tbe spoils. Tbis is tbe reason why many are spoiled by success. The man who dares to say, always just what he means, is verv rare in tbis world. but he i.s raore numerons tbeu he is popular. Wby were you <annexationists) so awkwanl and embarrassed when you proposed to be sure tbat your verv and unmistakable tbeories are {>erfectly correct and no mistake abont it ' Go otf—!