Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 58, 24 November 1893 — LOCAL NEWS. [ARTICLE]
fhe editor of the Tiser repeats his mnrderous threat this morning. Enouph of that, old man. It is genemlly \mderstood, that the ‘”official visit,” vesterdav, \vas *'• • ’ niade to the Minister of Foreign AtTairs, and not lo the “Pres;dent.” . When a Diplomatic Representative of «* foreign nnlion, lias oflicml auuieuee with the H'Uii of another frxend!y nalion. it is cust >mary to receive such Kepresentalive v?ilh military honors duc h is raui. The Star calls the £nglish sailOrs of the Ohampion “young boys about twenty years old.” That mav be true. but tbe Star shonld remomber that the “kids'’ are Britishers evenoue of them. This morning's soreecher, in its maguauimous way. aunounces the visit of Her Bntannic Majesty’s Minister Hesident, and CousulAlenera’, and Captain Eust*ce Hooae, to the Minister ot Fonign Afiairs yesterday as follows: — “Brilish Minister Resident Wodehous& aecompanied by Capt. Rooke of the ehampion, paid au ufficial vis:t to President Doleyesterday morning.”