Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 58, 24 November 1893 — The Monowai Brought THE NEWS. The Restoration OF THE Queen ASSURED [ARTICLE]
The Monowai Brought THE NEWS. The Restoration OF THE Queen ASSURED
Don't Believe in the Blnsterers Aronnd Town. They Bn'h>' in H hi.<key. u‘>t iu Blood. — H»fy H 'illie au Eicep(ion—He Doesu t Bathc. igE^ r O 3IgjiO? I TOLD vou so; So say the Armexationists Xo Annexatiouists to be Fouml in To\vn. CLEVSLx.:UD CAN’T D0 IT. HE DOES IT. • We pnblish part of a letter whieh was received by a gentleman in this town from one of the leading citizoas iu the l nited States. “Mv dear: — When you receivo this your coustitutional govermuent has been restored and Queen Liliuokalani is again tbe ruler of Hawaii. I trust and with rae a friendly administration at Maslxingtou that she will bave learned a lesson from her recent experienee and will always remember that a coustitutional monarch is not a partisanpolitician. However I did not start this letter for the purpose of Iecturing you or your friends, but simplv to inform you that Clevelaud has iustructed Mr. Albert Willis —a verv able gentleman —to restore your goverument as it was previous to the outrageous outbreak of Mr. Stevens. You need not worry over the abuses heaped on the Fresident through the Republicau papers. He is to-day the grandest Amerieau alive and any attempt to oppose him will prove utterly fruitless. Mr. Cleveland s policy both in regard to your little country as iu regard to the atfairs of onr own land has the recommendation and support of all honest ci:izens, be they I Republicans or Democrata. I An independeut governmeut in Hawaii will be preserved and guaranteed bv tbe Uuited States aduiinistration, the present one or the one to eome in the future. in spite of any measures takeu by the irresponsible lot of men who eall themselves Americans. and althongh expatriated aud disowued, attempt to run your fair country. * * * 1 ask you to repose the utmost confidence iu the ability aud integritv of the present representative of the United States to Hawaii-nei. and the amiahle Hawaiian people araong whom I count so many good friends. Yours . W. Q. Greshara the man who aecording to Carter and Frank Hastings was sold for annexation has made a report to President Cleveland in regard to Hawaii and has vitually accepted
! the > of Hon. Paul Noumann Her Majesty s euvoy to America as his gaidanoe for his recommendation> The actions of that donble-dyed scoundrel | John L. Stevens have V>een utter ly and emphatioally repudiated, and the illegalitv of the course of the American forces have been fully recognized and wiil be repudiated. Tne tive oommi>sioners of the P. G. who went with a great blast of triumphing trumpets to M ashington have beeu termed liars. and the revolution here is stated to have been done through force and fraud on behalf of the representatives of the United States. The Holomi a ueeds say veiy little on the report of Gresham ' whieh i> based npon the soarching investigation of Dionnt. e have known aud have ind:cated all aloug what tbe course of the Uniied States would be— the onlv • thing that has been a constan* surprise to us is that. the men who claimed that they knew American politics eouhl not realize what tho c>utcotne of this business wouhl be. M hen the “leaders” of the 1441) alleged Americans who were supposed to be members of the annexation club go to California for the purjiose of imj>eaching Mr. Cleveland —as we are tohl that they will thev will probably find out that • wuen they land in San Fraucisco 1 thev have lost their idendity and some of them wiil be d—d glad if the Poliee Departmeut of ■ that city has lost it too. The committee of safety whieh made the “iunocent” John L. Stevens land ‘ ‘ troops consisted of the following jiatriotic Americans residiug in Hawaii and possesing lots of interests here; Henry E. Coopex- —(now a Judge) Andrew Brown —(from Scotlaxxd, now Su{>eriateudent of M ater ■Works). Theodore F. Lansing—(fronx the Vaterland, now member of the Board of Health). John Enxmeluth —(Eraperor W illiara’s nxeat—if he ever catches him President of the paj> fed Star). C. Bolte i (Solid Americans iraEd.Suhrf ported from Breraen). Henry Waterhou.se —(a Vandemonian otf-spring —from America). W. C. Wilder—(from Canada—one boy, Deputy • AttorueyGeneral—one boy ConsulGeneral — ono bov — well, General I) F. W. McChesney —(retired Anxeriean.) W. O. Smith—(Attorney General uutil yestenlay —An Ameriean when he has money; a kanaka when “bnsted.”) Lirrin A. Thorston —(no eomm?nts neede\l but Iots of s;xlary». W. K. Castle —(Whoa, Emm il) J. A. McCaudIess —(who in h—i» he).