Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 57, 23 November 1893 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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NOTICE. The umlei-signed hasreceiveJ from the Eastern 8tates, The Largest Single Order of Billiard Material ever imported to the Islands. It concludes as follows: Clotb, 3 grades; Cues, asssorted; Cushions, [by Uloek, patent]: Billiard Balls, Composition and Ivoiv; Pool, “ “ “ Tips. Chalk; Pocket Ciistings with leathers, aud fringe eompleie; 0 Pocket nettiugs, friuge aml leathers; Bnbber covers; Court PIaster. green and black: New stvle ehalk holders; Triangles; Sbake balls aud leather bottles; Pool pins; Markers, etc., etc. The above go >ds have been purchased at reduced rates, and the undersigned is now prepared to do any an»l all kinds of BTLLĪARD TABLE WORK at reasonab!e rates with dispatch. Also uew’and second hand Billiard and Pool Tabks for Sale. Please apply to J. P. EOWEN, Perry B oek, Hotel St. Honolulu A VAM PROTE€JT C0NSTANT LINE 0F SCH00NERS —Ample Opportnnity for ALL1 Owing to onr constantl3’ increasing business and the great deraand of an appreciating eommuuiU', we have eoncluded to offer an opportunity to all )iarties having eapiial. Our LINE of SCHOONERS raay be seeu gliding over the BAR filled to their utmost cacrying capacitv with clear, eool and invigoratiug Fred l«p k .rt b “ r9 |LASERBEEE At the “Anchor Saloon.” To accomraodate onr Vast Fleet of Schooners, we bave built a fine large Refrigerator regardless of cost. Tlie cl^ox,” Is the only plaee wbere a Cool Glass of Fredericksburg Beer on draught ean be had in Honolulu. Step forward geutlemen, NOW S the Tirae. ocl4 3m

NAN-YIHHOSHA. JUST KECEIVED from JAPAN Several Kiuil of Cotton Crape, Latest Styie of Shirts in different qualities. Eji>eafc A$ortment of popeelain Tea Sets a Specialty Japanese Lanterns and many Carios soitable for Cbristraas Gootls. 411 KING STREET. Honoluln. Telephones, Bell 4.4. P.O. Boi 3Sb. MalUiU 544. uoI3 Im C. T. AKAXA MEHOHANĪ TAIL0R, 3*24 Kunann Street Suits Ouaranteed To Fit and in tho Latest Style. Clothes Cieaned and Bepaired. no!7

W. S. LUCE 5*9 W « <5 <5 S AVine and Spirit Merchant CamjMl Fire-j>roof Block, MERCHANT ST. HONOLULU ]S"EAV Eui'opean Ko. 509 HoteI StreeC * Ste»k. Hrdq k Eggs for 25 cte. Boarding $4:50 per week, or 21 Me-I Tickets for $4:50. Fowl tbree times a week, cookiog on first c’ass 6tyle, Meals at all hoors. CHOCK SIXG, oct26 lm Froprietor.