Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 57, 23 Nowemapa 1893 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]
BRUGE&A. J. CARTWR;CHT cf » F;ih«uj N»tur? Tr*na«St.!. r*Oicpt ;ttVntioa U> lh»* rn*a*£f uir!.t oi Est»tfS. Gaur;un-vh;j~;, Trc-;>, rtc.. «c.. e*tCiirT> har.t Strcf t, Hoa h:i. CITY MEflT MARKET Opjx). Que<=n E:nio;t H »li EsUbiishetl lSs3. JOS. TINKER, Ffl!VĪILY s SSBUTCHER Maker of ihe Ceh hmt- ’ - Cambridge Pork Sa,.sage ! Tuv Them. Me:vt Deliverod to Any I’art of the City aml Suharbs. Mutual Telephone Nmnber "289. Long Branch BAT HIN G Establish ment. rhisFirst i*Inss J>athing Kesort has been enlarged and is now open to tbe public. It is the best j>Iace on tiie islands to enjoy a bath and there is uo better jdace to lay off. Special aeeommodations for Ladies. Tramcars pass the door every half bourand on -Saturdays and Sundavs overv lil’ieen minutes. C. J. SHERWOOD l'mpīieipi. LEWIS & 00., W hoiesaie ar.d Retail Grocers AXD PROVISION DEALERS. FRESH CAUFORNIA 8ALM0N ONICE By Every Pan Franci.sco Steair.fr. Salt Halmon* ix Bakuels a Specialty. iii Fort St. t Honolulu. Ttl. 240, P. O. Box 2g~. Rewaix I. A Poeial Savinps Bink Book No. 4t>5 has been l«»t ut mv • >idence during this ni*>ntli. Who ever tinds it and returns saaie at my residence at Heeia. Koolanpoko, Oahu, or at the law otbco of Jas. K. Kaulia. in H..nola!u, will receive a reward. Mks. Mikala Kailia. Honolulu. Oct. 23. 1893. oct23 Im Chas. T. auliek NOTARY PUBLIC For the I.>land of Oahn. Agent to Take A«*knowIe<lgīneKls to Labor Contraets. Agent to Graut Marriage Lieenses, Honoiulu, Oahu. Agent for the Haw’n I>lands of Pitt »v Scott > Freight and Parcels Exjues.s. Agent for tho Barlingt;;a Kouto. Heal Estate Braier aniiGsiml Bell Tel. 348; Mat. TeL 139; P. O. Box 415. 0FF1CE; N'o. 38 MEKCHANT Slreet, Honololo, H. 1.