Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 57, 23 Nowemapa 1893 — The Tale My Lover Told Me. [ARTICLE]
The Tale My Lover Told Me.
ln thc n«m>w pAth hy the river si.ie My teasing lover niet me, I might have passed had he stepped aside, And hnrried home, and I really tried, Oh I trie»l, bnt he -wouhln'l let me. “Stay a while,” he said; aud his strong right ann So closely did enfold me, While the bright stars wiuked in the skies o’erhead Andthernde stream Ianghed in its rockybed. While the pale wild-rose blnshed a deej>er red, As the tale my lover to!d me, I blnshed like the rose, a deeper red. At the tale that my lover told me. I heard it all, for he made me stay, Thongn the ehill mght brte/e was blowiug, And Ihe minntes were slipping fast away: So I murmnred softly, “Kelease me, pray. It's late, and I mnst be going. Don't keep me now, I shall be so late That my mother wiU snrely scold me." Bnt he held me still, and in my distress What I had to do yon will never gness— He teased me so that 1 whispered, “Yes, • To the tale that my lover told me. He teased me so that I whispenxl, “Yes,’ To the tale that my lover told me.