Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 57, 23 November 1893 — Untitled [ARTICLE]
The Regulars, under command j of Captain Good, marcbed into the Palaee gronndstbis forenoon and aligned theraselves in front of the Palaee bailding; they were immediately withdrawn. What for? Corapany number something at the Government buildiogs. j were also in martial array thi> forenoon waiting for soniething that did not turn up. They finallv cooled otf by taking a march around Palaee sqnare. What for? A lady, the wife of a P. G. oHieial, who was at Palaee S»jiiare . last evening looking at the show, was overheard to say to a frier.d, I th;it, “there are -400 of the ‘citi- : i zens reserve’ out to-night. As they were not with the military. , it is reasonable to snppose that this detachment of tbe “reservo was distributed around in the byways and lanes looking for or trying to make trouble. . Notwithstandiug the apparent nlertness of the Board of Healih iu quarantiniug the persons affected with raeasles, who arrived in the city last week, it is reported, that there is a bad case on Emma Street. Yet the “Board of Health had no session yesterday afternoon, there being no business of special importance to transact.” The disease is supposed to have been brought i ashore from the Klikitat.