Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 57, 23 November 1893 — THE STAR S YARN. [ARTICLE]
Editob Holomua; Being char;icteristic of tho >beet; the Star last evening publishes an nnfoundecl and r;diculous rumor. pnrporting to be what a royalist leader told > nie bodv else what the Queen had >aid to him. That the S{ tr “eanuot give names’ is no doubt true it bas not any to give. That the article is pub!ishevl for poiitical aud mislead;ng pnrposes. is the opiniou of all of tLe respectable [>ortion os‘ tbe*oororannitv. No one believes that the Queen has made any such statements to anv person. Ileference i»raade to “her intervie\v \vith U. S. Minister \\ illis, on whieh occasion she declared «fcc.There is no doubt but that “iuterview” was a seeret aud coundential one, that no one outside of the t\vo parties interested know \vhat was said or took plaeo, ond it is safe to say, that neither of them have mentioned to any other person what transpired ou that occasion. Another proof that the article is bosh, is the paragraph in refeience to Princess Kaiulani. It is weli known to those raost interestetl, and who know what the Princess’s raovements are, that no such statement has been made to that “royalist Ieader withont a name.” It is also well known, that Mr. T. H. Davies is not makiug political arrangeraents of any kind. It is somewhat of a eoineideuce, that a government olheial at noon yesterday, raade some reraaiks to a friend whieh coiucido in several instances to those in the Star article. The only eonclusion to eome to is, that the article was “hashed up" by the Star’s own stafl. The Tiser of this moruing has a sixteen line editorial in referenee to the rumor whieh the Star gave publicity to yesterday. The Tiser editor makes the untruthfr.l assertion. that ‘‘the strong feeling against the ex-queen is daily eaining grouud among Hawaiians with very few exceptions. and those are only hire1ings, like sorae of their white brothers—are solid in f<»vor of restoration. That editor also makes the assertion, ‘it wouhl be suicidal for her to accept the protlered restoration. even with the guaranty of arraed protection from any source whatever.’ What does that . mean? It shows conclusivelv • \ that there must be some truth in the reported threats raade against Her Majesty’s life. That that editor knows it to be so. and shame on bis (onee gray and | heavy--now dyed black—locks he is willing to couuteaance such murder. It bebooves the DipIoraatic represematives of foreign natious to take action to protect her from hami and insult until the present mterregnnm is ended. Observer.