Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 56, 22 Nowemapa 1893 — LOCAL NEWS. [ARTICLE]
Who fooled detective Marmont? A Japanese war vessel is expected to arrive here iu a eouple of woeks. The steamers Waialeale for Hamakua, aud Pele for Kauai, are up to leave to-morrow. C;esars Ghost! Two more wnrrants served on the same uay at t.ie eame time. Hi Yah! Mr. McStocker returned from his poliiieal tour to Maui and Hawaii this morning. His trip was ostensib!y “on a tour oi inspection of Custom Houses. : ’ It is reported, that the Government buildings (now called the Judiciarv buildings), are infested with the fasl breeding and delightful insect calltd the—bod bug—. The armed thogs, P. G. prowlors, aud represontatives of the murder sociM*-, still infest the stroots at night. and anuoy |>eacoab!o oitizens, by *standing‘ thera up. Nuraber oue. of the series of 8mith s Iibel suits was called this morniug in the District Court. but, hearinp was apain postpoued this time to Friday, at ihe ret]uest of defendant’s eounsel. who was not ready to proceed. Want of evidence appears to be the trmble.