Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 56, 22 Nowemapa 1893 — Strange Shadows. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Strange Shadows.

Stranpe shiuIow< of what appe«rs to be a very large. soi!ed. brown linnen suit fevitlently staffeil with some kin«l of venomoiia mbbish. by whieh it is actuated) witb a cartridge belt and a riffe attatched to it. has been freqnently seen of late at night in ditferent parts of the citv and snborbs. Many aretbe theoriesexpressed a.s to what it rcally ean be. Tbns far dose contact ha» l>een avoided, not from fear, bnt from an unwholeaome odor aeeompaning it, whieh it felt at qnite a distance. BEETLf.. A Cbinaman fooled the Poliee yeat«rday.