Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 56, 22 Nowemapa 1893 — The "Brave" Men. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

The "Brave" Men.

EdITOB H0L03fCA: For sometime past. the ulk of the town has been. ‘*what the present goverument woolii ilo, wcre the naval forces to land for tha pnrpose of restoring the Monarchv. ’ They will retiU anv such attempt says one; they are going to right says another: they will not do anything of tho kiml. speaks up another person; Mr. W. W. Hall said last Thursday to a representative of the Advertiser that • There will be a big row here if that policy is carried out. But I can't believe it.” It might be as well fnr the Tiser to announee the policy of this government in that respect. It will perhaps make it easier for the United States Govcrnment to act in tho raatter. It might save complications. This govemment might be better treated in that case when tho timo for action arrives. The Tiser raight also state, how many men this government eouhl placed in tho field. shon!d it become necessarv to do so. From the statements of sorae of the members of their milhaiw force, it is not likely that mueh of a force eoukl be obtained, for the reason as they say that “we have not enlisted to fight the United States.” That is no doubt true. Any talk of rcsistanee is bosh. Oi5SERVEn.