Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 55, 21 Nowemapa 1893 — THE NEWSPAPER MAN. [ARTICLE]
[Ctrtain Honolulu newspaper men will doubtless gain instruction from this poem, written by a verv poj>ular London journalist. All who know newsj*aj>er men will be struck with its raodest veracity.—Ed. Graphic.] •My son, I don’t kuow if yonr yontliful eoneeplion Has breadtl* in the scope of its nebulous plan, To weird comprehension of that one exeeplion To workaday mortals, the newspaper man. But if yon’H agree to a feeble description From one of their number, 111 do wbat I ean, To blend in the way of a little prescription, The mixture thafs kuown as a newspaper mau. ‘Take a brain that is steeped in solutiou of knowledge, Most raried and pictnresque under the sun; Then add just s pineh of the salt of the eollege, A flavour of wit and a soupean of fnn. For a relish, Bohemain sance is the eaper, And a mind that will stretch from Beersheba to Dau; In fancy or fact, when it comes to “the paper.” Or tonches the heart of the newspaper mau. ‘To a memory that clutches the yeries trille, And a haud th»t is tireless when work’s to be done; Add an eye that is qnick as tne flash of a ritte, And keen as the eagle that flies to the sun. Take st«rngth, and endnrance, and loyal devotion, And add all the grit and the courage you ean To the heart thafs as big and as deep as the oeean; A hundred to one on the newspaper man. With a brew of ideas that, seethingaud boiling, Rnn out into monlds that are models for men; Add a ceaseless encouater with planning and toiling; For the world of to-day that is ruled by the pen. Add the honey of friendship, the dew of affection, And the fsprit de eorp* that gets dowu to hanl pan; AnJ j>aste in yonr hat the whole mortal collection, As the regular stock of the newspaper man.’ —{A'. Z. Oraphic).