Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 55, 21 November 1893 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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NOTICE. % The undersigned has received from the Eastem States. The Largest Single Order of Billiard Material ever imported to the Islands. It concludes as fol!ows: Cloth, 3 grades; Cues. asssorted; Cushions, [by Block, pateut]; Billi:trd Balls, Composition and Ivoiv; Pool, Tips. Chalk; Pocket C«stings with leathers, and friuge coraplete; Pocket nettings, friuge and leathers; Rubber covers; Court Plaster, green and black; New stvle ehalk holders; Triangles; Shake balls and leather bottles; Pool pins; Markers, etc,, etc. The above goods have been purehased at reducetl rates, aud the uudersigned is uow prepared to do any and all kinds of BILLIARD TABLE WORK at reasontble rates with dispatch. Also new and second hand Billiard and Pool Tables for Sale. Please apply to J. P. BOWEN, Perry Bloek, Hotel St. Houolulu 4VAST PR(MECT conmv; unī; ir scaooit£its —oppenuiu fiir au ; Owing to onr constantly increasing bnsiness and tbe great deraand of an pppreciating community, we have eoncluded to otfer an opportunity to all parties having capital. Our L1XE of SCHOONERS may be seen gliding over the BAR filled to their utmost carrying capacity with clear, eool and invigorating “‘■'luuim Atthe “Anchor Saloon.” To aecommodate onr Vast Fleet of Schooners, we have built a fine large Refrigerator regardless of cost. T3a.e Is the only plaee wbere a Cool Glass of Fredericksburg Beer on draught ean be had iu Honolulu. Step forward geutlemen, XOT\' ? S the Time. ocl4 3m

NAN-YU-SHOSHA JUST RECEIVED from JAPAN Several Kiiul of Cotton Crape, Latest Styie of Shirts ia different qaalities. A$ortment of popeelain Tea Sets a Speoialty Japane.se Lanterns and many Carios soitable for Christmas Goods. 411 KING STREET, Honoluln. Telepbones, Bell 474. P.O. Boi 3S6. Mnlual 544. nol3 Im C.T. A.KAJSTA MERCHANT TAIL0R, 324 Nauanu Street / A11 Suits Guaranteed To Fit and in the Latest Style. Clothes Cleaned and Hepaimi. no!7

W. S. LUCE 3 3 3 Wine and Spirit Merchant Campbfll Fire-proof Bloek, MERCHANT ST., HONOLULU NEW Enpopean f(egtaiii 1 ant, Xo. 509 Hotel Street Ste»k, Ham.ie Eggs for 25 cts. Bo«rding $4:50 per week, or 21 Meal Tickete for $4:50. FowI tbree times a week, cookiog oo first ciass stvle. Meals at all hoars. \ CHOCK SING, oct26 Im Proprietor.