Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 55, 21 Nowemapa 1893 — Humours of Bann-Publishing. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Humours of Bann-Publishing.

— A fo\v years ago a lndicrous, vexatious, incident oceurred at a church in Larkhall. A rustic eouplo, after having had tho banns published the prescribed number of tiraes, proeeeded to tho church to be joined in holy wedlock. The service was eondncted without a hitch nntil the officiating clergyman arrived at i that ]>art where he asked, “Wiliiam Wishor, wilt thou have this woman to be thv we<lded wife?” when the bridegroom replied, with somo astonishment, that his name was not William Wisher. The ceremony was, of course, snspended, and on investigation being made as to the canse of the mistake, it transpired that the bridegroom had written to the sexton of the church re<piesting him to have the banns published, and concluded bis letter thus: “So no more from yonr Well Wisher and Mary Williaras.” The sexton, supposing that William Wisher was the? name of the inteuding Benedict. pnblished the banns accordingly, and the disappointed eouple were compe!led to await the puhlieation of the banus iu their proper names. A unique instance of the banns being forbidden by the intending bridegroom happened at the j parish churob of Seaford about the middle of thecentnrv. While the minister was reading the an- . nonueomeni he was interrupted by one of the congregation, who : called ont londIy, “I forbid the , wedding.” He was requested to walk into the vesterv and explain his reasous for so doiug. “Are you a relation? ’ required tbe clergv-. “No.” replied the man, , “l’m the bridegroom himself; but having learned that Ciss has a tongue that, after marriage, will run faster than the elaek of her master s mill, I am resolved to be off; so your reverence may raarry her yourse!f. if vou plea»e.' The precenter of a countiy parish chnrch near Arbroath oue Suuday annouuced from his plaee that “there was a solemn purpose of marriage betweeu Alexander Spink of Fisher’s Loan and Elspeth Hackett of Bum Wvnd,” when the parish beadte < who was something of a character) sudden-

ly rose and unceremoniously interropted the proceetlings by exclaiming: “That’s wrang, that’s wnmg! It’s no’ Samlers Spink o Fisher's Loan that s gaun to marr\' Elspeth Hackett. but lang Sanders Spink o’ Smiddy Croft.“ The uame of oue of the parties had been wrongly stated iu the j proclamation paper. and tbis was the way the <leadle took to correct it Some years ago h muMle-aged agricnltural labonrer called upon tl»e session-clerk of Alloa and j asked him what the charge was for publishing the ‘•cries’’ li.e., bauns of marrisge) (hree times jon the same Sunday. ‘Apouml,” I replied the clerk. *‘Aye.” said 1 the other. “an’ what d’ye tak’ when ye tak' two Snndays to dae’t?” “Half-a-gninea.’ was the reply. “An what d’ye chairge when ye tak’ three Sundays to’t' was the rnstic’s next qnery. “Seven-and-six,” answered the clerk. with an amused air. “Aye, man,” rejoined the querist, “I see, the langer ye tak’ to dea’t, the cheaper its gets: justcry awa’ *ill ye pay yersel’ !” And he took his departure without more ado. ( Tit Iiits)