Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 54, 20 November 1893 — Untitled [ARTICLE]
The following passengers arrived in the city yeaterday: Frora Mani—J W Colville. J J Williams, Miss Gandall, Mrs Kahale, S Matsumnra, S Ozaki. M SteigerwalJi, Lau Chook, S Ahmi anJ 65 Jeck. From Kauai —E R HenJry, J H Black, wife anJ ehiW, M L Hartman. H Hilgroth. Miss E C Smith, Mr Keatiug, Ing Chong, Cbang Hop anJ 60 deck. The Maui cones]X)ndeat of the { Tiser says. that 5Ir. F. B. McStocker has gone to Hawaii, and that “he is on a tonr of inspection of Cnstom Honses. That’s pretty good. Jndging from the first two paragraphs of the Mani correspondence, we are leJ to helieve that be is on a tonr of the islands in tbe icterests of the annexation clnb anJ politics.