Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 54, 20 Nowemapa 1893 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 4 [ADVERTISEMENT]
IBRUCE & A. J. CARTWRIGHT Bu*int?*s oi % Fidnri*nr X*mr* Tr?nsacte»l. i'TOniy't »UenUon giren to ihe ol Eātatrt», Ga*r!ucsiu[». Tmsls. etc., etc. etc. Omee* , : Carttrright Building w Merci »nt Sttvet. Honolnla. ! | CITY MEAT MARKET Oppo. Queeu Enuna Hall. Established 1883. JOS. TINKER, FAMILYS3BUTCHER Maker ofthe Celebraied Cambridge Pork Sausage ! Try Them. Meat Delivered to Anv Part of the Citv and Suburbs. Muiual Telephone Number ‘289. Long Branch BATHING Establishment. This First-class Pathinp Resort has been enlarged aml is now open to the puhlie. It is tho best plaee on the islands to enjoy a bath and there is no better plaee to lay otf. Special aueomraodations for Ladies. Tramcars pass the door everv half bourand on Saturdays and Snndays every fifteen minutes. , 0. J. SHERWOOD Proprietor. LEWIS & C0., Wholesale and Retaii 6rocers A\D PROVISION DEALERS. FRESH CAUFORNIA 8ALM0N ONICB By Every San Francisco Steamer. SaLT S.VLMON IX B.\nRELS A Specialty. iii Fort St., Honolulu. Tel. 240, P. O. Box 297. MORTGAGEES XOTICE OF FORESLOSURE. In acconi*nce wiih the proTision» r>f * cert.iiu mortgage, m*de by C ALAPAI to IiiaLbeIla A Aehi, d*ted l)ctober 5, 189... reoorded in Liber 145, page 248; noliee 1«. bereby giTen th.it the Mortgageo intends to forecio«e the »tuc for hroken, to vit: non-payment oi phneipol. Xotioe is likevise that alter tho eipiration of threc veeks from tb« dato of this notiee, the property conTeyed by s*id mortgage vill be s<iTertised for sale at pnb. lie auolion. at the aaelion rooms of Jaa. P Morg*n, in Honolnln, on MOXDAY, th« 20th d*y of XoTember, 1393, at 12 nooa of said day. Fnrtber particalars ean be hail of V.'a, C Aehi, Attorney at l.aw. L>ated Honolnln. October 25, 1883. ISSABELLA A. ACHI, MortgagM. The premises corered by said mortgage, oonsiat of: ASl those premises <dtnated at Kapalama, Hoholoio, Oahn. and more particular de~ schbed in a panihon -le«d betveen W O Aehi and said C Alapai, re«orded in Liber 123 page 1; oontaining an area of I -10 of aa acre; and being a part of ;hose premues knovn as Apaua 1 deechbed in Bnyal Patent, namber 687. grantod to Keinpaeaia». oct. 28-3v