Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 54, 20 Nowemapa 1893 — BRITISH WARSHIPS [ARTICLE]
FREPARtXO TO MOTK. Victoria (B. C.) Oct. 2S—Wrr Majes>tv*? ship M*dpomene leav- < rfaursday (Xov. 2) for Englar.d. and the Nymphe for the .s ith » Saturday (Nov. 4) on her w.;v •> C«'quitnbo. She expec:s t spe: l Chri?tmas at La Cnion. Tne Roy.il Arthur and Cbampion d not sail till November 27 f>>r H >- nolulu. The Flagship will v> : tiie Pitcaira Islands to present the hfeboat given the lslanders by the Queen.