Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 53, 18 November 1893 — Lucky Emmeluth. [ARTICLE]
Lucky Emmeluth.
We are pleased to make a note that the Aunexation Club ou Maui at a meeting last Monday night (abouteleven persons being present) heartily endorsed SenatorEmmeluth!sresolutiourelating to the creation of volnnteers among goverument orticials bv coercion. Now the schemo of the plummer will raaterialize! We understand tbat Jobn W. Kalua desires to be assigned to tbe artilleiy—he always was a big gun. No news iu regard to the settlingof thebill against the club from the “Chmese " caterertothe ball. Mr. Plemmer a poliee offioer at Spreckelsville was promptly dismissed bv Mr. Chillingsworth — tbe sheritf —because he expressed a dissentiug opinion on the Emmeluth’sresoIution matter. Sherirt Chillingsworth will be kiudly remembered.