Hawaii Holomua, Volume I, Number 53, 18 Nowemapa 1893 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]
|Uvcrttecmmt5 Criterion Saioon PFR AUSTRALIA, another Invoiee of tbe celebrated JOHN WEILANH EXTRA PALE LAGER BEER. Also, a Fresh Invoice of California Gysters - OYSTER CŪCKTAILS L. H. DEE, Proprietor. E8TABL1SHED A. D. 1863. Pioneer Steam Candy Fadory! BAKERY and lUE P^LO^ F. HORN, Proprietor. PRACTICAL Confediouer I Oweolw In all branches of the bnsiness on these islands. AMEHIOAN. FRENCH, ENGLISH vnd GERMAN PASTR1ES MADE TO ORDER. Wsddiqg \ Bii*th-day Made of the verv best material, nnsnrpassed in richness of quality and ornamented in nnupproachable stvle. at lowor prices than any other establishuient in Honoluln. Family \ FanciJ Bread, Guava Jelly, Preserved Tamarinds and Tamariud Svrap. ALL CONFECTIONERY Manufactnred at my Establishment are Gnaranteed ti be Positivelv Pure and sold at prices no other establisbmeut ean eompeie with. FACTORY & STORE, No. 71 Hotel Street, Between Nuuanu and Fort Streets BOTH TELEPHOXES Xo. 74. WIN6 WO TAI & Co.. Xo. 214 Nuaanu Slrcct, C0MM1SSI0N MERCHANTS, Importers »nd De«lers in GEKL MERCHA NDISE. Fine Manila Cigars, Chinese and Japanese Crock’n*ware, Mattings, Vases of all kintls. Camphorwix)d Tmnks v Rattan Chairs, a Fine Ajsortuent of Dress Silks, Best Brands of Chtnese aud Japanes6 Teas of Latest Importations. Inspection of New Go<xLs Respectfully Solicited. Mutnal Tel. 266. P. O. Box 158.